Some thoughts on the One D&D play test thus far. So, Wizards of the Coast announced that One D&D, an edition that continues the already functional legacy of Fifth Edition with some minor rules tweaks would be the next iteration of Dungeons & Dragons. The D&D community at large took in the news and began prognosticating about what broken systems from Fifth Edition might fall under the scalpel. Maybe they'll get rid of short rests... Maybe they'll clean up the whole use this ability once per long rest / per day vs. number of times equal to proficiency bonus mess. Maybe they'll get rid of the whole use of the word "race" in the rules... Maybe they'll streamline the whole character background thing to make it easier / less complicated for new players. We were all wrong. Instead, the play test documents have focused on rules that most players never considered broken or lacking while adding in new levels of complexity. It has taken optional syste...