Okay, this is going to be one of those deals where you came here to get my crabcake recipe, but you have to listen to my whole life story and what happened with great Aunt Eunice during the depression to get there. I'm sorry in advance. You're probably here to get the print files for the Rod of Seven Parts . If that's the case, and you have no patience for my story, just scroll down. I'll put a heading there. Otherwise, on to glory! I'm one of those guys who is super creative, motivated in short stints, has a full time job (but makes very little money), and can't get a side hustle going because of too many responsibilities and a bad case of ADHD. Why am I telling you this? Well, maybe we can help each other out. "Stay awhile and listen..." About My Stuff My first Budget Bespoke post was all about the stuff I made for my Dragon Heist game, including some original STL files I made in Tinkercad of all things. Anyway that met with overwhelming positive...