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Beadle & Grimm, Budget Bespoke, and The Rod of 7 Parts

Okay, this is going to be one of those deals where you came here to get my crabcake recipe, but you have to listen to my whole life story and what happened with great Aunt Eunice during the depression to get there. I'm sorry in advance. 

You're probably here to get the print files for the Rod of Seven Parts. If that's the case, and you have no patience for my story, just scroll down. I'll put a heading there. Otherwise, on to glory!

I'm one of those guys who is super creative, motivated in short stints, has a full time job (but makes very little money), and can't get a side hustle going because of too many responsibilities and a bad case of ADHD. Why am I telling you this? Well, maybe we can help each other out. "Stay awhile and listen..."

About My Stuff

My first Budget Bespoke post was all about the stuff I made for my Dragon Heist game, including some original STL files I made in Tinkercad of all things. 

Anyway that met with overwhelming positive feedback, but other than the STL files, everything was so unique to my campaign that I didn't share or publish any of it. I feel that I can't sell any of the stuff that I make because of licensing and all that. Also, I don't have the sustained focus necessary to create / produce on the level necessary to make even pennies on the DM's guild. 

Meanwhile, I am producing handouts, encounter cards, item cards, and more on a weekly basis. I am happy to share these things with the community for free because I know how hard it is to get stuff together for a game and how expensive this hobby can be of a DM. 

My Sob Story

I am also struggling. I have a lot of legal debt. My ex-wife left me for another dude like 11 years ago, but took me to court for increased custody 3 times and stopped working, so I pay over half of my paycheck in Child Support. I live in a "No-fault state" so the system is automatically punitive to dads even if the entire fault lies with the mom. I have had to fight and fight just to keep my kids in my life, even though I did nothing wrong. Most months, I go into the red and she is living in a McMansion. 

So, I can use any help I can get. I am setting up a Ko-Fi page. If you can throw me 2 bucks sometime. I would appreciate it. Meanwhile, I'll just keep posting free download links for my creations here. 

The Rod of Seven Parts

So, I took a cue from Beadle and Grimm’s and made a rod of 7 parts prop… I grabbed a pic from online. Then, I used Photoshop, illustrator,, and Adobe Acrobat to create the files. I printed them on some card stock twice. First I cut out each individual card second, I cut out just the rod pieces and glued them onto those cards to give it a little bit more depth. Third, I glued those cards onto some cereal box card stock. Finally, I used a slide cutter, good scissors, and an X-Acto knife and a cut mat to cut them all out. The final project is pretty sturdy, and the rod parts have kind of a raised effect.

I posted the pic on the right to Reddit, and folks asked for the files. So, I combined them into one pdf and the download link is below. Please use it and enjoy. I hope to share more of my projects here soon. 

If you can, please consider donating. I could really use the help! I am not trying to hustle anyone, and if you can't afford to donate or just don't care, that's fine. Enjoy the file and use it to make cool stuff for your game. Bookmark this here Blog, because if I get some donations, I am totally posting more stuff moving forward, including some encounter cards that I wiadd to the bottom of this post as a bonus soon!

Get the Files!

Just a pdf. Instructions coming soon...


I set up a Ko-Fi page this morning. I hope it works!

Encounter Cards

So my wife squirreled away some catering money at Christmas time and got me a Silver Edition and a DM Vault from the Pandemonium Warehouse, apparently at a sweet discount. I just love all of the little touches that Beadle & Grimm's adds to these campaigns from handouts to battle maps to artifacts. By far, the most useful elements in these boxes are the Battlemaps and the encounter cards. 

Since I'm focusing on easily sharable and printable pdf files here, I will share the encounter cards I made for Chapter 1 of Eve of Ruin. These are folded and placed over one's DM screen so that you see the stats for quick reference and your players see the picture. 

In addition to stat blocks, I added some spell actions for the casters. I am hoping to refine these to make them easier to run at a glance. for now, enjoy.

The Ch1 Encounter Cards

This is a first draft.


I set up a Ko-Fi page this morning. I hope it works!


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